The July meeting of North Claines Parish Council is to take place on the 8th July 2024 and not the 1st July as previously advertised.
We look forward to seeing you then.
We look forward to seeing you then.
See Gallery pictures!
Help is available in Fernhill Heath for those who need food deliveries or a home cooked meal – See the information in the miscellaneous documents section of the website (double click on the word documents)
The North Claines Parish Council website has been re-designed and updated so that news about the Parish, its events and other relevant information related to the area can be shared with Parishioners. If you have any suggestions or feedback, please do not hesitate to contact us.
It is time to refresh our Neighbourhood Plan (click on the link below if you want to refer to the current plan. To highlight issues that the Plan Review should include, please contact us before Thursday 13 June via
Formal consultation on the draft updated Neighbourhood Plan will take place later in the summer.
The next meeting is to take place on Monday 4th December when the awards will be given out to the Scarecrow Competition!
There are 4 vacancies on the Parish Council and these will be available for co-option from the August meeting onwards. Please contact the clerk for more information.
Unfortunately the picnic on the Brum is cancelled due to lack of volunteer support. This will be reconsidered next year.
The elections to North Claines Parish Council were unopposed.
The nominations for the role of District Councillor are announced.
Please see the documents posted in the publication scheme for further information.
The Parish Council will meet on Thursday 11th May to appoint a new chairman to the council. This meeting is held on Thursday this year due to the timing of the elections and because there are 3 bank holiday Mondays.
The Annual meeting of the Parish is to take place on 13th March in the Baptist Church at 1930. This historic meeting is an opportunity for any groups to report to the Parish anything of note. The Chairman of the Parish Council will present a report on actions of the Council over the previous 12 months.
is to be held on Monday 13th March at 1930 in Okeys Lane – Baptist Church. It will be preceded by the Annual Parish meeting.
The Parish Council has recently set up a new Green Committee, made up of four Councillors. The Council recognises the importance of minimising our impact on the environment and making the parish a thriving place for both people and planet. The new Committee will focus on developing initiatives and activities in the local area that will benefit both the community and the natural world, and will work with the District and County Council to help achieve their climate goals.